Pretty proud and happy I can announce that my short story „Choclate Bars“ was rewarded with the first prize of EuroNatur’s writing contest 2020. Why I am doing this announcement in English too (the one in German can be found here)? Because the story was translated (thanks to EuroNatur and Dominic Jackman) and this means for the first time non-German speaking friends can check out one of my stories. Feels nice.
The motto of the contest was “Not the forest for the trees …”, a phrase indicating being unable to see the obvious. In such a case it often helps to change the point of view, which I did in my text. The motto as well as the engagement of EuroNatur for preserving nature suggested to write a small story about the topic of the massive clearing of forests. A perfect fit since also to me this as one of the most important topics on the human agenda. Saving nature, saving climate, saving the planet.
With these things in mind, I wrote the short story, which tells about an unusual forest conservationist and his unexpected support. You can download the story here as pdf or just check out the page of EuroNatur, where you also can find my video message (but such is in German again). Leave me a comment if you like to.
Happy reading and holiday greetings!